Supernatural Shorts
Supernatural Shorts
96 min.
The Estate
Josh Thurm, 15 min.
Howard, looking to start a life with his fiancée and unborn child, attempts to sell his deceased father’s estate and learns the secret behind his disappearance.
Follow Me
Jordan Hageman & Sam Rozier, 20 min.
Sal lost his older brother Marcus to a mysterious portal in the woods, and he remains haunted by the unexplained loss.
The Journal of Aleksandr Kuzmich
Alexander Hernandez, 9 min.
Aleksandr Kuzmich, who wants to understand why he’s targeted by an evil presence, documents the encounters in his journal and soon realizes he might be plagued by more than one monster.
Member’s Mark
Marisa Adelina DeMarini, 10 min.
A severe storm unearths the past and alternate lives of a Midwestern farmhand.
Residual Alibi
Bo Sanders, 17 min.
A nefarious man pads his alibi with a routine bike ride while entrusting his mistress to carry out a plot to kill his wife.
Randy Shinn, 12 min.
A woman struggles to connect with her partner.
Michael Rich, 13 min.
An overworked auto repairman fights to survive the night after hitting an unknown entity in the road.
Tickets for film programs from July 15-17 & 22-24 at Washington U.’s Brown Hall Auditorium are $15 each; $12 for students with valid and current photo ID and Cinema St. Louis members. (All credit-card and handling fees are incorporated into the ticket price.)