St. Louis Filmmakers Showcase: Thriller Shorts
Thriller Shorts
114 min.
Pelan Le, 7 min.
Every online dater’s worst nightmare: a booty call gone horribly and dangerously wrong.
The Contract
Aaron McLaughlin, 10 min.
A mysterious man attempts to reconcile with the consequences of his actions.
Dementia 29
Ben Manhanke, 25 min.
A young woman uses her unique psychic powers to make ends meet.
Friendly Competition
Dominic Regazzi, 10 min.
A lonesome drug dealer ends a streak of lonely nights when his favorite customer decides to stick around to play a board game.
Interstellar Gunslingers
Nate Carroll, 3 min.
A former cavalry scout and lawman is challenged to an out-of-this-world duel for his gold-mine claim.
Gabriel Hunter Sheets, 5 min.
After a drunk man returns home, he quickly realizes that he’s mistakenly entered the wrong apartment, but before he has a chance to leave, mysterious noises from upstairs lure him further inside.
No Frog Eyes Shine
Eric Wolfgang Nelson, 37 min.
The lead runner of a moonshine crew does a cash drop at a mystery woman’s house, but things take a deadly turn because of the lure of quick cash.
Lupe Medina, 12 min.
When a young woman opens her deceased mother’s music box, a dancer is possessed by an evil spirit that could bring about her ruin.
Cory Byers, 5 min.
A college student finds herself alone in a restroom — or is she?
Tickets for film programs from July 15-17 & 22-24 at Washington U.’s Brown Hall Auditorium are $15 each; $12 for students with valid and current photo ID and Cinema St. Louis members. (All credit-card and handling fees are incorporated into the ticket price.)