Animated & Experimental Shorts
Animated & Experimental Shorts
120 Minutes
Autumn Swim
Josh Herum, 7 min.
A man deals with the aftermath of a failed relationship.
Erin Laine, 7 min.
This silent film examines the emotional cost of a lifetime of abuse to a woman by a high-school bully, a neglectful lover, and a narcissistic friend.
Enjoy It All
Jerod Michael Welker, 6 min.
Two young brothers stumble on a graveyard in the middle of winter and realize their own mortality.
(a human) being
Pier Marton, 5 min.
A personal essay on our addiction to images and sounds.
Island Hopping
Michael Long, 6 min.
A character learns that the only way to survive in an island world is to keep hopping (and hoping) from one island to the next.
a love letter to Brian, Lesley, and Michelle
Hettie Barnhill, 62 min.
This experimental documentary about Black lives covers topics such as white fragility, diversity and inclusion, anti-Blackness, anti-queerness, and racial fear, forcing viewers to step outside of their own experience and into bodies that continue to be brutalized, objectified, and minimized within America.
The Lungs
Zlatko Cosic, 5 min.
A reflection on the climate crisis, deforestation, and the devastating damages to the lungs of the Earth.
Sand Against Steel (2020 Vision Remix)
Matt Pitzer, 5 min.
This dreamy music video for Final Veil's song “Sand Against Steel (2020 Vision Remix)” features a cello solo by Ranya Iqbal and belly dancing by Cora Camille, Sumaiya, Anna Bahn, and Jazz Jones.
Space Race
Shane Dioneda, 6 min.
Two competing astronauts race to claim the moon for themselves.
The Tattoo Artist
Matthew Alexander Purkaple, 2 min.
A unique tattoo artist makes his way to work.
World Skin
Van McElwee, 7 min.
A dream of ancestors dreaming — a dream of their soft nostalgias and murmurs from the underworld.
With “a love letter” director Barnhill.
Tickets for film programs from July 15-17 & 22-24 at Washington U.’s Brown Hall Auditorium are $15 each; $12 for students with valid and current photo ID and Cinema St. Louis members. (All credit-card and handling fees are incorporated into the ticket price.)